This is for the book that got me into the OSR: the beautiful and horrifying Veins of the Earth by Patrick Stuart and Scrap Princess. I could go on and on about how great this book is, but the work that went into this DM screen will explain that better than words.
(This is mobile-friendly. Consult it from your phone while you're DMing a Veins game.)
(The HARDSHIPS section was made with help from Max Cantor's excellent List Scroll Function.)
A day's worth of rations costs 100sp and takes one encumbrance slot.
10 calories = 1 SP = 1 Lume.
Stage One: Hungry. Party must spend 300sp on food/person OR eat an edible opponent, PC, or henchman every three days. Return all levels drained from subsequent stages of hunger.
Constitution save for every turn(10 mins) spent in hypothermic conditions. On fail, gain a stage of hypothermia.
To recover, must be warmed by a source of heat. Recovers 1hp lost to hypothermia each minute, then wake up. Sensation returns to arms and legs in two turns, hands and feet in one turn.
Stage 1: Cannot feel hands and feet. Movement is halved, cannot do fine work with hands.
You are a saint for having put that together